Monday, May 31, 2010

Playing at Grans

It was such a beautiful spring morning, so we went outside to play.  ~E~ was posing on the "Harley"

and in the wheelbarrow

~C~ could'nt resist the urge to ride too

~K~ found a cute little bike to ride also

So then the races where on

The air was so sweet that it put baby ~E~ to sleep.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

~C~'s Birthday

My baby boy is growing up so fast and right before my eyes, this year he turned 11.  I surprised him with a cake that was modeled after his favorite online video game.  He did like it.

He loved this book and read it in 2 days!

Ahhhhh, a new pair of headphones to "vent" with on his video game.

Look, all most as tall as Mom.

Is he wearing that?

~C~ went out to feed his dog but could'nt find his shoes, so he went with the next best thing!  And dont think I could pass up this perfect blackmail photo opportunity.

He took it well, and even struck and pose!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Going Bowling

This is ~C~'s favorite passtime, and going with family is even more fun.  This particular time happens to be ~K~'s first time that she actually got to participate.

With a little help and a lot of luck, she did great, but most of all had tons of fun.

~C~ is so patiently waiting for his turn.

Mom is tyring her best.....

While Aunt ~K~ nonchalantly drops throws the ball.

The boys are very competitive.

But in a loving way!

Dancing to the oldies but goodies

~K~ is upset that its not her turn fast enough so Mom runs in to rescue her.

Cousin ~M~ tripped and fell so ~K~ helped her out and made her fell better

As you can see, Mom LOST!  I dont know how it happend, but my 2 year old BEAT me!

Friday, May 28, 2010

~E~ Smiling ....

~E~ is about 2 months old and just learning how to smile, here it is...


Starting to...

Ok here is it!

Such a beautiful smile!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


With a new baby in the house, it was hard to get the kids to the local pool, so we went to plan B- buy a kiddie pool for the back yard!  Kenzie had so much fun playing in this pool, she asked every day if she could go "wiiiiiiimming"  She even got ~C~ in the pool with her a couple of times!

Brotherly Love

~C~'s Field Day