Friday, April 23, 2010


Bluebonnets are the Texas state flower and taking pictures in them are a HUGE Texas tradition, apparently ~K~ didn't get the memo. Being the first true Texan in our family-you would think this would be in her blood, not to mention they are flowers!- and her being a girly girl, you would think this would be right up her alley. Well this is how it turned out:

It's a good thing that we took professional photos in the bluebonnets earlier.

((Professional photos to be added soon))

1 comment:

  1. okay so for starters, I am loving the utter "distress" she seems to be in standing in the middle of those beautiful flowers...secondly I love the professional pics, just finished peeking at those, I have a few favorites, one of which is the last one of you and J and so many of the ones of the kids! You look GREAT!
